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Organisational well-being: how to promote it

In recent years, the phenomenon known as 'great resignation', i.e. the number of people resigning from their jobs spontaneously, has been on the increase. The main reasons for voluntary resignation are dissatisfaction, lack of recognition in corporate objectives, demotivation and difficult relationships with colleagues and superiors. To counteract this phenomenon, companies should promote organisational well-being: by improving the conditions of workers, they would be more motivated to stay in the company.

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The concept of organisational well-being relates to the measures that the company takes to promote the well-being of employees. Wellbeing that is not only physical, but also extends to the emotional, psychological and social spheres.

Employees are among the most important company assets. The company's productivity, turnover, attractiveness and survival depend on them. It is therefore necessary for organisations to work on developing a strong sense of belonging in their employees.

Organisational and occupational well-being have been talked about for several years now, yet few companies are yet able to motivate their employees.

Benessere organizzativo: come promuovere il benessere aziendale

Factors affecting organisational well-being

What are the factors that affect a person's working conditions?

The most immediate answer to this question might be wages. But although wages and benefits are among the main components of corporate well-being, they are certainly not the only ones. A worker spends a large part of his or her life in the work environment and there are many factors that influence his or her perception of work.

First of all, the need to work in a risk-free environment, where safety at work is a priority. On the other hand, what fuels the sense of belonging to the company are intangible factors, such as a relaxed atmosphere, healthy working relationships with both one's colleagues and employer, the possibility to evolve as a person and professionally.

How organisational well-being is measured

Does your company offer a comfortable and welcoming environment?

How can you determine the degree of organisational well-being within your company?

One of the most popular tools for assessing the organisational well-being of a company is the MOHQ questionnaire, proposed by researchers Avallone and Paplomatas. The questionnaire on organisational well-being focuses on different areas of investigation, relational, organisational and structural. This results in 14 dimensions to assess the degree of corporate wellbeing:

  1. Is there active listening?

  2. Is the flow of work-related information available?

  3. Are conflict levels tolerable?

  4. Are relationships within the work environment collaborative and clear?

  5. Are stress levels tolerable?

  6. Is compensation and work distribution fairly managed?

  7. Does the company support employees in achieving their goals?

  8. Do employees feel rewarded?

  9. Is the workload sustainable for everyone?

  10. Do employees perceive the social benefit of their work?

  11. Is there an openness to external innovations?

  12. Is there clarity of objectives?

  13. Does the company care about worker protection and accident prevention?

  14. Is the working environment healthy and welcoming?

Depending on the answers obtained, a score is drawn up, taking into account positive and negative indicators.

Positive indicators are in particular the sense of belonging to the organisation, the perception that there is a work-life balance and a comfortable and collaborative working environment.

On the contrary, negative indicators are precisely the intention to change jobs, the lack of recognition in the company's values, the presence of unacceptable behaviour within the organisation (mobbing, sexual harassment, etc.).

Benessere organizzativo: come promuovere il benessere aziendale

How to promote organisational well-being

In order to create a serene internal climate and to make the employee feel as an integral part of the organisation, it is essential to detect his or her condition within the company.

Only people in a state of well-being do not decide to leave their jobs, work productively and feel part of a real system.

If you would like to promote organisational well-being in your company, contact us now for a demo. At Qomprendo, we have designed a system for detecting company conditions that can immediately let you know of any critical issues, so that you can take concrete action to solve the problem.

Remember: Organisational well-being increases employee productivity, reduces stress, makes the working environment more sustainable and improves the corporate climate!

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